Friday, February 17, 2012

2012 UrbanUpdate;)

Going to try this blogging thing again... I know you'd never guess this, but I tend to be short on free time! But, there's an app for that,... And I just downloaded it

I can't take credit for our new look and supercool logo... I enlisted the help of one very talented professional to put together our website. I think she's doing an awesome job! I plan to add more content soon, so be sure to check back.

This next week: we have our first litter of Satin Angora kits due, we'll be moving our nicely feathered Coturnix chicks out of the brooder, we have an incubator full of Corurnix eggs that we hope will hatch over the weekend, and we'll be preparing potting mix from our worm bins and getting ready to start March seedlings!!

I'm totally ready for Spring... And nothing says Spring like freshly laid eggs. That's right, our chicks from last summer have finally laid us some tasty eggs! We are down to two hens, and surprisingly, I think they will do a fine job of keeping up with our family's demand. Our Australorp has been laying 1-2 eggs every day this week. I think she's trying to make up for 7 months of chicken feed, lol.

If you haven't already, make sure you "like" our Facebook page! I *think* there is a link to it right on our homepage... If not, there will be one soon!