Tuesday, July 5, 2011

They Hatched!!

 I am so pleased to announce two new additions to our backyard flock: Flotsam and Jetsam!

 I thought I was smart to set my eggs to hatch on the 4th of July, AFTER our family-campout... but our chicks had other plans, and I noticed that one had pipped right before we were to leave. So of course, this being our first hatching, we couldn't just leave them to hatch by themselves!

Flotsam, hatched 7/3/2011

This little yellow ball of fluff was running around the incubator an entire day early! Hard to get a clear shot, as this chick is constantly in motion. We waited patiently throughout the Fourth of July for our second egg to hatch... but sadly, not even a pip. At the end of the day, we took our one chick, set it in the brooder with a stuffed chick pal (a surrogate hatch-mate if you will) and left the incubator running. I decided I was giving egg #2 until day 24 to hatch. I went into check on the chicks this morning when I was greeted by frantic chirping coming from the direction of the incubator! Aren't they handsome chicks?
Jetsam, hatched 7/5/2011

Noah and Moira watching Jetsam flop around the 'bator!

Oh! I wasn't ready for my close-up!