Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Bunnies!!

Nothing says Springtime like baby bunnies.... here are photos of our two newest angora rabbit litters.

Born 3/31/12, 75% Satin Angora kits. 5 black, 1 chocolate. Yes, a REAL chocolate bunny;)

Born 4/8/12, 90% German Angora kits. 9 total. Didn't Lily build them a picture perfect nest? She is an incredible mom!

3 of Lily's new kits. Something dilute and chinchilla/agouti. Exciting!

 I hope this one is a chinchilla, but could be a chestnut. We'll find out soon!

14 lb Lily apologizes for lunging at me... she is a real sweetheart, but hormones get to even the best of us!

This is 3 month old Urban Merkava, after her first shearing. She did so well! She is one of the bunnies living in our trial angora colony. We have needed to tweak a few things along the way, but so far the colony gals are making the rest of our bunnies rather jealous;)

 We recently brought home a Chocolate Chinchilla German/English/Satin Angora doe from Amanda LaDue in Washington State. We are hoping to use her to satinize our German hybrids. Isn't she a doll?