Monday, June 27, 2011

One week old chicks and the wonders of composting

Chicks at 4 days old
While we started our chicken project with the intention of focusing on chicken embryology, the kids' interest has been in our already-hatched chicks. I can't blame them, as the chicks grow larger and more feathered with each passing day! It is amazing to literally watch them grow!

Chicks at 7 days old, with much more defined feathers!

We also converted an old covered garbage can into a compost bin this week. Originally, this garbage can was purchased for curb-side use after we bought our house last spring... later was notified that it is 10 gallons too large, so it has been sitting in the backyard for about a year. Can't figure out why I didn't think of using it as a composter earlier... it's perfect! Using a 1/4" bit, I drilled multiple ventilation holes in it, and Voila! Ready for chicken poo, kitchen scraps and lawn waste!
Noah is quite excited about turning all sorts of organic matter back into "dirt". I am going to try using this as a hot composter, but we'll see if it works for that purpose. He helped me fill it today, alternating the "browns" and the "greens". Lucky kid is growing up with all of this knowledge of sustainability and self-sufficiency... and take it completely for granted that EVERYONE lives this way. Perhaps, when he is an adult, most people will!