Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day Nine and two day old chicks!

Frustrating morning... blogger is on the fritz and won't let me post any photos at the moment. Shucks.
There are some very cute photos of the kids and the new chicks we brought home yesterday! We added two purebred white rocks and two australorp/barred rock crosses. The kids have been glued to the brooder the last 24 hours! I've never had chicks before, and I am impressed by their keen eyesight and incredible beak coordination. Chicks are naive and tame enough to eat out of our hands, which the kids just love. The chicks are wusses though... we had a fly sneak into the chick room (our hobby/art room) and as it buzzed around the heat lamp they chicks ducked into a corner and chirped up a storm! Can't wait until they see a bug and decide, "hey, that looks good enough to eat!"

Wade and I candled the hatching eggs the other day... I would have taken photos, but with the eggs being a medium shade of brown, there really isn't much to see right now. I am really hoping that our candling methods improve to the point that the kids can get something out of it. There is a dark spot in one, and a cloudy mass in the other... hoping that means chicks will be pipping (the act of chipping through its shell) in another 10 days or so!